Ebook Energy and Civilization: A History (The MIT Press), by Vaclav Smil
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Energy and Civilization: A History (The MIT Press), by Vaclav Smil
Ebook Energy and Civilization: A History (The MIT Press), by Vaclav Smil
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A wise, compassionate, and valuable book.―Foreign AffairsThis is a book to excite not just admiration, but also passion. It is a literate and precise analysis of the evolution of human societies viewed through the lens of energy.―Literary Review of Canada
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Everything we humans have ever done has depended on our ability to obtain energy, and Vaclav Smil is the world's leading historian of this process. Energy and Civilization is sure to be the early twenty-first century's most important guide to this all-important subject.―Ian Morris, Jean and Rebecca Willard Professor of Classics, Stanford University; author of Why the West Rules―For NowSmil's masterful overview explains energy's centrality in creating and sustaining civilization. Grounded in science, sensitive to cultural differences, and richly detailed, it is the definitive work on this vital subject.―David E. Nye, author of Electrifying America and When the Lights Went Out
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Product details
Series: The MIT Press
Hardcover: 568 pages
Publisher: The MIT Press (May 12, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0262035774
ISBN-13: 978-0262035774
Product Dimensions:
6 x 1.6 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
29 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#66,990 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is one of those books which should be widely read; a concise explanation of “energy†as relates to society beginning with terms and definitions which most people do not consider. Smil starts with the obvious (but often overlooked) statement that we on earth have no source of energy which is not provided by the sun in some form or another.From there, we start with the calculations regarding the number of calories any human needs to get through the day; pretty basic and clearly explained values.This is followed by the overall history of energy in human society, beginning with foraging and scavenging societies, using human muscle energy in more effective forms as a result of human reasoning; tools. Accompanied by (largely effective) sidebar notes, the narrative then progresses through the use of draft and ridden animal muscle, direct water and wind power, and then on to the use of ‘stored’ solar energy in the form of carbon and radioactive fuels, to the present. The fragility of society prior to modern use of those ‘stored’ sources is eye-opening and should serve as a corrective to anyone hoping to return to some romantic, pristine, autarky.I’m sure this was not intended for the general audience; the terminology and notation suggests and requires a certain level of education. But at times Smil seems to change units of measure in what looks a bit of braggadocio. Joules, calories, watts, any will do, but switching back and forth requires mental gymnastics and introduces the chance of errors; there is no reason to make a book less understandable than the transfer of information requires.Similarly, there is no reason for the pedantry regarding the phrase “Industrial Revolutionâ€; I recall no one using the phrase to mean a ‘revolution’ in X years. As it was intended to mean a rapid change in many social arrangements, it was just that and is a useful shorthand for that phenomenon.Disregarding such caviling, we are, at well-researched and well-argued length, presented with the uncontroversial fact that we are consuming carbon energy resources far beyond replacement rates and that use is resulting in environmental problems which could be very serious. Fortunately, the author is not given to hyperbole; those environmental problems are neither certain in time or severity.But as Smil makes clear, there are really few alternatives. Our recent fantasies regarding wind or solar are never going to provide the energy surplus we currently enjoy, even if we had 100% battery storage technology. There is simply not enough ‘instant’ solar energy available to support the style to which we have become accustomed and others hope to achieve.Citing some studies regarding ‘happiness’ vs wealth which I find far from convincing, the author seems to come down on the side of drastically reduced energy consumption. He never suggests coercion to achieve that end, but it’s doubtful that those who are used to luxury and those who quest for it are likely to voluntarily reduce that standard of living or the desire for it, regardless of Smil’s personal (righteous!) choice of a 1Kw automobile.Begging to differ, I come down on the ‘let’s develop non-carbon energy’ side; nuclear. And if we are to prevent those possible environmental problems, we’d better get going on developing safe nuclear energy right now, rather than whingeing about the morality of Exon’s profit margin.
I purchased this book based on a recommendation by Bill Gates. It's very interesting and takes you through the history of how humans have used and transformed energy and how that increasingly efficient energy use has advanced societies (and where it hasn't).Be aware that it is very technically dense with a lot of specifics and almost reads like a textbook so it's not what I would call a "light read" but if you like that sort of thing than this book is recommended.
I am only 70% through the book, knowing that the rest will touch upon the noton that our dependence on a very high consumption of energy based on fossil fuels is unsustainable and that renewables gives only some comfort to this conclusion. As an economist I truly which that this perspective was more commonly available through education, as the available energy influcence on economic wealth and especially a long term perspective on this is severly overlooked in todays financial world.So thumbs up, 5 stars, is given to the author for puting the whole energy history in context, and how vital it is to appreciate our fossil fuel workhorses for now and it also led to my appreciation that we can use the energy surplus as today to prepare for a sustainable future of tomorrow. Even with less energy, it is possible to sustain a civilisation based on "energy helpers" so that living standards are still acceptable. The calculations back and forth when it comes to Joules/tons/kwh (or even barrels) is very useful for engaging the mind outside speed reading. An eye opener for me was the 90% energy conversion for electricity for kinetic energy as opposed to 40% for diesel and 25% for gasoline. Going electric for personal transportation based on renewables really makes sense overall!
Truly fascinating. It is hard to describe how impressive this masterful history is. A summation of a world of knowledge in a thorough, understandable, and context-rich book. Required reading for anyone interested in energy, sustainability, and the future of humanity.
Based on my previous Vaclav Smil reading, I was expecting (hoping) for more of a big-picture technical survey (along the line of "the physics of building and maintaining civilizations"). I was somewhat disappointed to discover a conventional historical narrative of the discovery and exploitation of the various familiar energy sources. Admittedly, more a case of missed expectations rather than any specific shortcoming of the book.
I was really disappointed in this book. It’s a history and is full of facts that seem almost randomly addressed. There is a lot of interesting information, but none of it seems to have a point , it’s just a collection of data. The citations are probably important to someone, but to a non academic they are just irritating and disrupt the flow of the text. I found Richard Rhodes’ book Energy:a human history much more informative and much much more entertaining.
As a mechanical engineer, I was taught a lot about energy and worked with it my whole career. I've always loved history as well. Now, I read a book that traces the human story along with the thread of how energy is found, grown, used, eaten, wasted...all that...and really dominates society in so many ways. This is a book long on detail so some may feel overwhelmed by it. My favorite part was the last 20% where the author appears to summarize the influence of energy on all the major domains of civilization. A book that I am keeping for reference and rereading.
Vaclav Smil’s books are always enjoyable. He demonstrates that the material civilisation that we have is the result of people acquiring the means of energy production. Yet he is also aware that energy is not the only thing that matters - it matters much, but the way it is used also depends on the culture and society.
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