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Product details
File Size: 6599 KB
Print Length: 302 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1506386709
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 5 edition (November 27, 2017)
Publication Date: December 1, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#48,089 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
When I purchased this book, I thought I’d be getting the legit 5th edition, not a book from “bad†batch that was accidentally printed and now being sold as the “real thingâ€. C’mon. In my class of 20, two others students had the same issue. With 3-4 errors (typos, spacing, punctuation) on each page, it can be difficult to take the book seriously and follow along. This version SHOULD NOT be sold for $40! I should’ve gotten my book from the original publisher.Edit: I posted a review on the distributor's page and, when I requested a refund, they were going to withhold my refund until I deleted the review.
I bought this as suggested by a professor... only to find out that we cannot use Creswell as a source because the information is too general and not as relevant as the school wants. After reading the book, I kind of agree. It's find for a very general use, but some of the information makes it more confusing than helpful. If you want to learn about research design and are enrolled in classes, just check your school library section for articles on specific designs.
An excellent resource on the research process, stepping through the entire sequence step by step, including selection an approach, literature review, application of theory, strategies for writing, and ethical considerations. The entire research process is covered, with numbers examples and tables to provide guidelines and insights. Under the actual chapters on research design, the authors cover the specific contents of the research report - introduction, purpose statement, research questions and hypotheses, as well as specific guidance on the design of all three approaches - qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches.An exceptional resource in the design and implementation of a research project.
I have been reading Creswell's work since I was a PhD student years ago. It is still very good and very useful. Now I am using this as a text for my research methods course. Students find it just as easy to read and just as useful as I did. This latest edition has more illustrations of the various methods than previous editions. That is a strength. It is fairly basic, but that, too, is a strength - it doesn't overwhelm the student with information they are not yet ready to process. If you want depth in any of the methods, you need to consult some of the original sources that Creswell cites. For a good, usable view of the basics, this is a very good book. My only problem, and this may be just my problem, is that Creswell is by his own admission a fan of mixed methods research, so he includes a lot on mixed methods. My experience is that students in academic settings will seldom use mixed methods only because this form of research tends to be more time consuming than allowed by academic constraints. Even so, it is a very respectable way of knowing, and students ought to be familiar with it.
I have earlier editions of Creswell and find the book to be well written and easy to follow; he helps you to just "get it" and breaks the information down and makes it make sense....stats not my most liked but area but necessary and much needed part of the big picture.
This book does have some strengths - it is very scholarly and thorough. However, it was not very readable and tended to present topics sometimes at least, in an overly complex and jargon filled way. I found that Google searches were often more helpful at explaining the concepts. At the same time, this is a good reference for a serious researcher who is revising a paper, but a beginner to the research process is likely to find it unhelpful/excessively erudite. In sum, should be a required text for doctoral students, but handled with care for mere beginning graduate students.
Comprehensive and clear, Creswell provides a scientifically useful and extremely well written guide to research design. This book has to be one of the most important books I have read during my course of study.If you are in a doctoral program or just thinking about one, get this book. If you are contemplating a career in research, either academic or practitioner, get this book. And if you are just trying to figure out what to book to get next for your kindle, get this book.Yes, it's that good.ADDENDUM:I wrote this review months ago. Since then I've given this book as gifts to friends. It's interesting to me that in that time the price of this book has gone steadily UP! Amazon is no fool. They would not increase the price if there was not increasing demand. As such, if you are considering buying this book, save yourself some money by buying it TODAY. Chances are later it will cost you more.
First off, why is the digital version twice as expensive as the print? That literally makes no sense so shame on Amazon for that one. Secondly, the digital version is a vastly inferior product, the text doesn't line up, the tables are all broken up over several pages and not really comprehensible. It is not hard to fix this on the front end so in the end you get a broken product for more money. Nicely done Amazon.
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